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Is Your Parenting Hurting Your Child’s Education? Teachers Tell All!

Just like every generation before them, millennials are raising their children differently. These new approaches, while well-intentioned, can sometimes create challenges in the classroom. Here, educators across the country weigh in on modern parenting trends that they’ve observed impacting their students.

Echoes of Entitlement

Teachers are witnessing a rise in “lawnmower parents”, who strive to remove any obstacles their child might face. This can manifest in parents arguing grades with professors or demanding schools recount student elections. This over-protectiveness can lead to students who lack resilience and struggle to cope with disappointment.

The "Participation Trophy" Generation

Many educators report a decline in students’ ability to manage negative emotions. Sheltered from disappointment throughout their childhood, these students struggle when they don’t get their way. This can lead to meltdowns and difficulty taking responsibility for mistakes.

Lost in Likes and Followers

The constant barrage of social media can be a major distraction for students. Teachers report a decrease in focus and critical thinking skills as students turn to Google for everything, even basic questions. Furthermore, the pressure to maintain a curated online presence can negatively impact mental health.

The Buddy System Breakdown

The rise of “gentle parenting” might sound positive on the surface, but some teachers argue it translates to a lack of discipline and accountability. Students who haven’t learned boundaries at home struggle to function in a classroom setting.

The Importance of "No"

Teachers are increasingly frustrated by parents who avoid using the word “no.” This can lead to students who lack basic manners and respect for both teachers and classmates. Learning to hear “no” is a crucial skill for navigating the world outside the home.

The High Cost of Overscheduling

While keeping kids busy might seem productive, overscheduling activities can backfire. Exhausted and overstimulated children struggle to focus in school. They also miss out on the valuable downtime required for creativity and emotional development.

The Responsibility Disconnect

Many teachers report a decline in parental accountability. Parents may excuse their children from assignments or pull them out of school for minor inconveniences. This hinders students’ development of responsibility and resilience.

Finding Common Ground

While these trends can pose challenges, it’s important to remember that teachers and parents are ultimately on the same team. Open communication and collaboration are key to creating a successful learning environment for all students.

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