The smoothest picture of our life has certainly changed overnight with the outbreak of the corona virus. The fluctuations have been so obvious that life seems beyond our control. Most of us have a pre-planned wedding, vacations, academic goals, etc., which seems to be vague by this time. But as […]
How to balance work from home and homeschooling? 10 steps to keep it simply productive
I know most of you are experiencing challenges to work from home and homeschooling at the same time under the current global scenario. While I am a work from home mom, and now that my kid and husband is at home constantly, we face daily challenges too. Mostly, our meetings […]
Most important questions answered for mothers to keep their families safe during Coronavirus pandemic
Answers to frequently asked questions for mothers related to Coronavirus The current situation of the world keeps us worrying all the time. Mothers frequently ask questions related to Coronavirus to keep their family safe. By seeing such a huge number of parents seeking Coronavirus related answers on various platforms, I […]